ErgoSoft RIP Certification for HP Latex 300 series & WallArt PDF Format Support
ErgoSoft RIP Version 14 and Version 15 have been successfully certified for the HP Latex 300 series (HP Latex 315/335/365/375 und HP Latex 310/330/360/370).
Our RIP was convincing and reached the full marks in seven out of ten categories.
We got the full score in the following categories:
- Continuous Printing
- Media Management
- Color Management
- Printer Reporting
- Job Management
- Predictive Alerts
- Double Sided Printing
- Additional Enhancements (Front Panel Preview, Full Bleed, Color Bars)
In addition to the confirmation of the compatibility and integration of the ErgoSoft RIP with the HP Latex 300 printers, the HP WallArt PDF files are also supported.
ErgoSoft is proud to have received the HP certification again.